Varenr. 802506

fischer dial gauge STU 10-30

Primære funktioner
  • High-quality measuring tool for exact measures of drill hole geometries.
  • The adjustable scale enables a fast calibration.
  • With adjustable markers for upper and lower tolerances.

Fordelene / Produktbeskrivelse

Dial gauge for measuring the undercut diameter.
  • Enable fast, easy and economical quality control of the created undercut holes.
  • Represent the established method of measuring drill hole dimensions for checking compliance with tolerances.
The dial gauge STU 10-30 is the measuring equipment for the quality controll of the undercut drill holes and used for detailed measurments of the undercut diameters. It is suitable for all FZP II undercut anchors.



Teknisk data

GTIN (EAN-Code) 4048962347449