Den formonterede slagplug med innovativt stål/plast-søm

Isoleringsplug FIF-CN II

ProduktvarianterDownload billede


Godkendelser / Testrapporter
15 Produktvariant(er)
Min. borhulsdybde
Max. emnetykkelse
Skive ø
Legende = Tilladelse tilgængelig = Tilladelse ikke tilgængelig
Set 15 af 15 variant(er)

Ansøgning og godkendelse

  • Attachment of ETICS insulating boards on concrete and masonry
  • Flush-to-surface installation in ETICS insulating materials and mineral wool e.g. polystyrene
  • materialekalsse A, B, C, D, E
  • Beton
  • massive betonblokke
  • Massiv mursten
  • Massiv kalksandsten
  • Hulblokke af letbeton
  • Hulsten
  • Kalksandsten med huller
  • Letklinkebeton
  • Gasbeton
Du kan finde detaljeret information om byggematerialer i registreringsdokumentet.
  • ETA-18/0393
  • DoP No. 0255
  • EPD-FIW-20210314-CBD1-EN


Mounting Strip 1 Picture
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Dokumenter til download

European Technical Assessment for fischer FIF-CN II - Nailed-in plastic anchor for fixing of external thermal insulation composite systems with rendering in concrete and masonry
Oprettet den 29.05.2018
Declaration of Performance for FIF-CN II (Plastic anchors for use in concrete and masonry)
Oprettet den 15.01.2021
EPD - Environmental Product Declaration
pdf, EPD-FIW-20210314-CBD1-EN
Environmental Product Declaration for fischer Insulation fixings
Gyldig fra 22.02.2022
til 21.02.2027
Render fixing FIF-CN II - ermissible loads for a single anchor for fixing of external thermal insulation composite systems with rendering.